Congressman Louis Stokes Medical Library
In April 1997, President, H. Patrick Swygert turned to Mr. Costella to provide administrative oversight for the planning and implementation of major Capital Projects at Howard University. In April 2001, the Congressman Louis Stokes Heath Science Library was completed as part of the concurrent development and implementation of the Howard University's Health Science and Law Library projects. "Few institutions have taken on two libraries at a time," President H. Patrick Swygert said after the dedication. "By completing both on time and within budget...the university has solidified its credibility. Everyone can see what our aspirations are in concrete terms" (see the Metro section of the Washington Post, Novermber 17, 2001). The 80,000 square feet Health Science Library has been programmed for 20 year growth. It has the capacity to store 400,000 volumes of books, periodicals, and electronic format material (CD-ROM, etc). There are 615 seats distributed throughout the building in a variety of interesting study areas. All seats are wired with power and data ports and there is a wireless overlay allowing any patron to sit in any seat and, with a laptop, retrieve information worldwide. The tele/medicine center allows small groups of physicians to share data and discuss cases with other groups of physicians at remote sites. The building also includes presentation conference rooms for large gatherings for advanced computer graphic presentations.
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